Izvor - by OriginTrail

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Možnost preverjanja izvora prehrambnih proizvodov je ena od ključnih lastnosti zdrave, varne in kvalitetne hrane. Aplikacija Izvor vam omogoča, da v dveh kratkih korakih preverite poreklo izbranih prehrambnih izdelkov:
1. Skenirajte črtno kodo (EAN) na izdelku in pridobite dodatne podatke o izdelku
2. Vnesite datum izteka trajnosti in pridobite informacije o izvoru

Na voljo so vam informacije o hranilnih vrednosti ter opis proizvoda, prav tako pa lahko oddate svojo oceno in komentar. Ob odkrivanju poti, ki jo je prepotoval vaš prehrambni izdelek, si lahko ogledate vsako posamezno kmetijo in natančno pot po kateri je prišel do vas.

V profilu aplikacije si lahko nastavite svoje preference hranilnih vrednosti, kar vam omogoča, da za vsak proizvod pridobite odstotkovno vrednost ujemanja z vašimi željami in potrebami.

Prvi partner v sistemu OriginTrail je Mlekarna Celeia s svojimi izdelki blagovne znamke Zelene doline. S priključitvijo v naš sistem preverjanja porekla zagotavljajo transparentnost in kakovost njihovih dobaviteljev mleka.

Več informacij o sistemu lahko najdete na: www.origin-trail.com


The possibilty to check the origin of food producst is the foundation of healthy, safe and quality food. Izvor application allows you to find out where a certain meat or dairy product is coming from in two quick steps:
1. Scan the barcode (EAN) on the product to get all the information about it
2. Put in the expiry date to get the information about the origin of the main ingredient

At the same time you also get the information on the nutritional values and are able to give feedback/comment on each respective product. When you are discovering the origin trail of your product you can go all the way back to the barn of all farms that have produced main ingredients for this particular product.

You can set your nutritional preferences in the profile part of the application which will in turn give you the possibility to get information on how much a certain product is compatible with your needs and wishes.

The first partner in the OriginTrail system is Mlekarna Celeia with products Zelene doline. With joining our system they have decided to assure full transparency and prove the quality of their milk sources.

More information about the system can be found on: www.origin-trail.com